During Travemunde Race Week in Travemunde, the German J/70 Class hosted its National Championship for a fleet of 31 teams. The PRO managed to run 11 races over the course of four days. Winning in a very close battle for the top of the podium was Michel Grau’s PAINT IT BLACK team from Norddeutscher Regatta Verein that consisted of Florian Thoelen, Malte Pasler, David Chapman and Juliane Adelssen. Taking the silver just two points back was Sergei Dobrovolskii’s AMAIZ.COM Sailing Team from Cyprus Sailing Club. Third was Bjorn Beilken’s PROCEDES DIVA from SDWB sailing club in Bremen. For more German J/70 National Championship information, visit https://www.travemuender-woche.com/home.html.